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Render Custom Content


To render a custom content in the editor like the shortcode, a helper element is used with a class of vcvhelper.


<div className='vcvhelper' ref={this.ref} data-vcvs-html={shortcode} />

This helper element is used to display the original element in the editor while storing the raw content, both shortcode and HTML string in the data attribute. The content inside the data attribute is then compiled by the editor to display it properly in the View Page.

This element comes in handy when the content is changed dynamically and the JavaScript is dependant on the markup. The example could be a shortcode or a complex element like the Accordion which utilizes the same JavaScript both in the editor and public view.

  • vcvhelper – a reserved class name in the editor by which it is recognized;
  • ref – a React reference to the DOM element;
  • data-vcvs-html – an attribute which shortcode or HTML string.

Note: vcvhelper element is used only in the editor. On public view, it will be stripped.

Rendering HTML#

This approach will render the markup the regular React way as well as save raw HTML string in the data attribute.

Inside component’s render method define a markup you’re willing to render.

It then needs to be converted to a string, so it can be stored in the data attribute. A React’s renderToString method can be used. Import it at the top of the file, right after React import.

Inside the component’s render method define a variable to store the HTML string, and assign it to data attribute.

Rendering HTML component.js example:

import React from 'react'import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server'import vcCake from 'vc-cake'
const vcvAPI = vcCake.getService('api')
export default class CustomElement extends vcvAPI.elementComponent {  render () {    // ...    const listHTML = (      <ul className='list'>        <li className='list-item'>Pen</li>        <li className='list-item'>Pineapple</li>        <li className='list-item'>Apple</li>        <li className='list-item'>Pen</li>      </ul>    )
    const htmlString = renderToString(listHTML)        return (      <div className='container'>        <div className='vcvhelper' data-vcvs-html={htmlString}>          {listHTML}        </div>      </div>    )  }}

Rendering shortcode#

This approach will convert a shortcode to HTML and insert it to a referenced HTML tag.

Static shortcode#

Inside the component’s render method add the helper element. The shortcode content will be stored in one of the properties inside the settings.json file and can be accessed via atts property inside this.props object:

The shortcode property will be defined inside settings.json file.

Static shortcode settings.json example:

{  "shortcode": {    "type": "string",    "access": "public",    "value": "[myshortcode]",    "options": {      "label": "Shortcode"    }  }}

Static shortcode component.js example:

import React from 'react'import vcCake from 'vc-cake'
const vcvAPI = vcCake.getService('api')
export default class CustomElement extends vcvAPI.elementComponent {  constructor(props) {    super(props)
    this.vchelper = React.createRef()  }
  render () {    const { id, atts, editor } = this.props    const { shortcode } = atts        // ...
    return <div className='container'>      <div className='vcvhelper' ref={this.vcvhelper} data-vcvs-html={shortcode} />    </div>  }}

Dynamic shortcode#

But for the most part, the shortcode property will be dynamic and will need to have an option to select one of many. The example will show how to create a shortcode element based on a Contact Form 7 plugin.

For this element, a PHP controller needs to be created to access the possible shortcodes via a global variable. Inside the __construct method, a VCV_WP_CF7_CONTROLLER is defined, it has a:

  • getVariables method which returns a global variable, which in turn is an array of objects containing form labels and ids;
  • checkPlugins method which checks if the plugin is activated and as a fallback returns a notice.

PHP controller needs to be included inside the manifest.json file.

Inside settings.json file define a source property, with a type of dropdown. Inside options object add a global property, which will be assigned a global variable, that is defined in the PHP controller file.

Inside component.js file in the render method use helper element. Add check if shortcode exists, otherwise, return a notice.

Once the shortcode dropdown value is changed, the shortcode needs to be re-rendered. For this, React lifecycle methods are used. To re-render the shortcode an updateShortcodeToHtml element component method is used.

Dynamic shortcode settings.json example:

{  "source": {    "type": "dropdown",    "access": "public",    "value": "",    "options": {      "label": "Contact Form 7 source",      "global": "vcvWpCf7Forms"    }  }}

Dynamic shortcode manifest.json example:

{  "elements": {    "contactForm7": {      "settings": {        "name": "Contact Form 7",        "metaThumbnailUrl": "[publicPath]/contact-form-7-thumbnail.png",        "metaPreviewUrl": "[publicPath]/contact-form-7-preview.png",        "metaDescription": "Add Contact Form 7 form to your layout (Note: Contact Form 7 plugin must be installed on your WordPress site)."      },      "phpFiles": [        "ContactForm7Controller.php"      ]    }  },  "categories": {    "WordPress": {      "elements": [        "contactForm7"      ]    }  }}

Dynamic shortcode PHP controller example:

<?phpnamespace contactForm7\contactForm7;if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {    header('Status: 403 Forbidden');    header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden');    exit;}use VisualComposer\Framework\Container;use VisualComposer\Framework\Illuminate\Support\Module;use VisualComposer\Helpers\Traits\EventsFilters;use VisualComposer\Helpers\Traits\WpFiltersActions;class ContactForm7Controller extends Container implements Module{    use EventsFilters;    use WpFiltersActions;    public function __construct()    {        if (!defined('VCV_WP_CF7_CONTROLLER')) {            $this->addFilter(                'vcv:editor:variables vcv:editor:variables/contactForm7',                'getVariables'            );            $this->wpAddAction(                'template_redirect',                'checkPlugin'            );            define('VCV_WP_CF7_CONTROLLER', true);        }    }    /**     * @param $variables     * @param $payload     *     * @return array     */    protected function getVariables($variables, $payload)    {        $cf7 = get_posts('post_type=wpcf7_contact_form&numberposts=-1');        $contactForms = [];        $contactForms[] = ['label' => __('Select source', 'vcwb'), 'value' => 0];        if ($cf7) {            foreach ($cf7 as $cform) {                $contactForms[] = [                    'label' => $cform->post_title . '(' . $cform->ID . ')',                    'value' => $cform->ID,                ];            }        } else {            $contactForms = [                ['label' => __('No contact forms found', 'vcwb'), 'value' => 0],            ];        }        $variables[] = [            'key' => 'vcvWpCf7Forms',            'value' => $contactForms,        ];        return $variables;    }    protected function checkPlugin()    {        if (!defined('WPCF7_VERSION')) {            add_shortcode(                'contact-form-7',                function () {                    return __('The Contact Form 7 plugin is not activated', 'vcwb');                }            );        }    }}

Dynamic shortcode component.js example:

import React from 'react'import vcCake from 'vc-cake'
const vcvAPI = vcCake.getService('api')
export default class CustomElement extends vcvAPI.elementComponent {  constructor(props) {    super(props)    this.vchelper = React.createRef()  }
  componentDidMount () {    const { source } = this.props.atts    if (source && source !== '0') {      super.updateShortcodeToHtml(`[contact-form-7 id='${source}']`, this.ref)    }  }    componentDidUpdate (prevProps) {    const { source } = this.props.atts    if (source && source !== '0' && source !== prevProps.atts.source) {      super.updateShortcodeToHtml(`[contact-form-7 id='${source}']`, this.ref)    }  }
  render () {    const { source } = this.props.atts    // ...    if (source && source !== '0') {      return <div className='vcvhelper' ref={this.vchelper} data-vcvs-html={`[contact-form-7 id='${source}']`} />    } else {      return <div className='vcvhelper'>Select Contact Form 7 source</div>    }  }}

Rendering content with dynamic properties#

This approach will render the desired content like the above approaches, except you can request dynamic properties from the server. Requested properties will be rendered as additional fields in the Edit Form.

To request display dynamic fields in the Edit Form inside settings.json file define an attribute with an ajaxForm type. To make the ajaxForm attribute react to changes an onChange property with a fieldMethod action has to be added.

Inside your PHP controller create a method that will render form fields.

Inside component.js file the values of the ajaxForm attribute will be accessible in the render method via this.props.atts.widget property.

Content with dynamic properties settings.json example:

{  "widget": {    "type": "ajaxForm",    "access": "public",    "value": {      "key": "",      "value": ""    },    "options": {      "label": "",      "action": "vcv:wpWidgets:form",      "onChange": {        "rules": {          "widgetKey": {            "rule": "true"          }        },        "actions": [          {            "action": "fieldMethod",            "options": {              "method": "requestToServer"            }          }        ]      }    }  }}

Content with dynamic properties PHP controller example:

<?php// Your code goes here ...class CustomController extends Container implements Module{  // Your code goes here ...  public function __construct()  {      // Your code goes here ...      $this->addFilter('vcv:ajaxForm:render:response', 'renderForm');      // Your code goes here ...  }  // Your code goes here ...  protected function renderForm($response, $payload, WpWidgets $widgets)  {      if ($payload['action'] === 'vcv:wpWidgets:form') {          $element = $payload['element'];          $widgetKey = $element['widgetKey'];          $tag = $element['tag'];          $instance = $payload['value'];          if (isset($instance['widget-form'])) {              $instance = $instance['widget-form'][1];          }          if (!$widgetKey) {              $widgetKey = $widgets->defaultKey($tag);          }          if (!$widgetKey) {              return $response;          }          $form = $widgets->form($widgetKey, $instance);          // Remove last col from labels          $form = preg_replace('/(\:)\s*(<\/label>|<input)/', '$2', $form);          $response['html'] = $form;      }      return $response;  }}

Content with dynamic properties component.js example:

import React from 'react'import vcCake from 'vc-cake'
const vcvAPI = vcCake.getService('api')
export default class CustomElement extends vcvAPI.elementComponent {  constructor(props) {    super(props)    this.vchelper = React.createRef()  }
  render () {    const { source, widget } = this.props.atts    const { myCustomProperty } = widget        // ...
    if (source && source !== '0') {      return <div className='vcvhelper' ref={this.vchelper} data-vcvs-html={`[widget-shortcode id='${source}' custom-property='${myCustomProperty}']`} />    } else {      return <div className='vcvhelper'>Select source</div>    }  }}