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Component Structure

The element component consists of is a React class component that extends the Visual Composer element's class: vcvAPI.elementComponent.

This component is used only in the editor and contains element built-in methods that provide additional functionality.


On the View Page there are no React component, only compiled HTML structure is displayed.


At the top of the file you have to import React library and vcCake library to use the api service.

import React from 'react'import vcCake from 'vc-cake'
const vcvAPI = vcCake.getService('api')

Define component class#

You'll need to create your custom element class by extending the vcvAPI.elementComponent. It will contain a lot of custom code, mostly related to rendering content in the editor.

export default class CustomElement extends vcvAPI.elementComponent {  // code for your component goes here}

Render method#

The render is the method of a React class component where you'll be writing most of your code. If you’re not familiar with React, this method will return a markup for the element. Here we can get the values of the element attributes, make decisions based on conditions, define CSS classes and write markup in JSX.

The first thing you need to do inside the render method is to destruct this.props object to get the id, atts and editor variables.

  • id is the unique ID of the element and is used to recognize the element by the editor;
  • atts is the attributes of the element, the ones that are set inside the settings.json file;
  • editor object holds data attributes necessary for the editor (for drag and drop).
render () {  const { id, atts, editor } = this.props  // We also destruct the atts prop to get the attribute values.  const { output, customClass, metaCustomId, extraDataAttributes } = atts}

CSS classes#

To handle CSS classes you can define variables, assign them to a string and later concatenate strings or use the classNames package.

You also need to specify a vce class. This class will add a default margin-bottom: 30px for the Design Options. It will ensure there is a space between the current and next element.


Make sure that the vce class name is set to the same HTML tag which will contain Design Options object.

render () {  const { id, atts, editor } = this.props  // We also destruct the atts prop to get the attribute values.  const { output, customClass, metaCustomId, extraDataAttributes } = atts
  let textBlockClasses = 'vce-text-block'  const wrapperClasses = 'vce-text-block-wrapper vce'
  // check if custom class value exists and add it to textBlockClasses variable  if (typeof customClass === 'string' && customClass) {    textBlockClasses = textBlockClasses.concat(' ' + customClass)  }}

HTML Attributes#

To assign HTML attributes like Custom Element ID and Extra Data Attributes, you'll need to create a customProps variable (object) and assign it to this.getExtraDataAttributes() method which will take the extraDataAttributes attribute variable to get its values and set properties for the object.

render () {  const { id, atts, editor } = this.props  // We also destruct the atts prop to get the attribute values.  const { output, customClass, metaCustomId, extraDataAttributes } = atts
  let textBlockClasses = 'vce-text-block'  const wrapperClasses = 'vce-text-block-wrapper vce'
  // check if Custom Class value exists and add it to textBlockClasses variable  if (typeof customClass === 'string' && customClass) {    textBlockClasses = textBlockClasses.concat(' ' + customClass)  }
  const customProps = this.getExtraDataAttributes(extraDataAttributes)
  // check if custom Custom Element ID value exists and create a property in the customProps object  if (metaCustomId) { = metaCustomId  }}

Handle Design Options#

To get the Design Options we use another element build-in method this.applyDO('all'). It accepts a string argument which may contain different data. We will store in a variable and use the all argument to get all of the Design Options attributes.

render () {  const { id, atts, editor } = this.props  // We also destruct the atts prop to get the attribute values.  const { output, customClass, metaCustomId, extraDataAttributes } = atts
  let textBlockClasses = 'vce-text-block'  const wrapperClasses = 'vce-text-block-wrapper vce'
  // check if Custom Class value exists and add it to textBlockClasses variable  if (typeof customClass === 'string' && customClass) {    textBlockClasses = textBlockClasses.concat(' ' + customClass)  }
  const customProps = this.getExtraDataAttributes(extraDataAttributes)
  // check if custom Custom Element ID value exists and create a property in the customProps object  if (metaCustomId) { = metaCustomId  }
  // doAll variable contains all the Design Options values  const doAll = this.applyDO('all')}

Return value#

Inside the return statement you need to write the JSX markup of your element.

It is important to understand that the editor property (that we assigned to a variable above) should be set on the elements outermost container. We do it by using the spread operator.

It is recommended to set the id attribute with the id property on the outermost container as well, however, that not always mandatory. Please note that the id attribute cannot be set to the same element as the customProps variable, as there will be a conflict of id values.

The doAll variable is an object with Design Options values, and it needs to be set via the spread operator for the same element that has a vce class name.

See full element example below.


The example below is the simple Text Block element.

import React from 'react'import vcCake from 'vc-cake'
const vcvAPI = vcCake.getService('api')
export default class TextBlockElement extends vcvAPI.elementComponent {  render () {    const { id, atts, editor } = this.props    // destructuring assignment for attributes from settings.json with public access    const { output, customClass, metaCustomId, extraDataAttributes } = atts    let textBlockClasses = 'vce-text-block'    const wrapperClasses = 'vce-text-block-wrapper vce'    const customProps = this.getExtraDataAttributes(extraDataAttributes)
    if (typeof customClass === 'string' && customClass) {      textBlockClasses = textBlockClasses.concat(' ' + customClass)    }
    if (metaCustomId) { = metaCustomId    }
    const doAll = this.applyDO('all')
    return (      <div className={textBlockClasses} {...editor} {...customProps}>        <div className={wrapperClasses} id={'el-' + id} {...doAll}>          {output}        </div>      </div>    )  }}