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Shared assets

Visual Composer elements have an ability to include JavaScript and CSS libraries out of the box. These libraries are called shared assets.

Assets are included to an element via the settings.json file. But it will only enqueue an asset if it is already available within a Visual Composer plugin. For instance, some other elements may contain assets, like Icon element. The Icon element contains multiple various icon libraries or assets, but these assets are available within a plugin only if the Icon element is downloaded.

A fresh installation of Visual Composer plugin comes only with a few basic elements, so some of the assets can only be available once particular elements are downloaded.

The manifest.json file allows to specify a particular asset and it will a download it without downloading an element.

Include assets via settings.json#

To include an asset inside settings.json file a sharedAssetsLibrary meta attribute should be used.

Include assets via settings.json example:

{  "sharedAssetsLibrary": {    "access": "protected",    "type": "string",    "value": {      "libraries": [        {          "libsNames": [            "slickSlider",            "animate"          ]        }      ]    }  }}

Download assets via manifest.json#

To download an asset inside the manifest.json file a assetsDependencies property name should be used. This property accepts an array type value, where multiple assets can be specified.

The assetsDependencies property may store a particular asset or an element. Which means that if an element is specified as a dependency, this element will be downloaded along with all of its assets. Whereas the specified asset will download this particular asset.

In the example below there are two items listed under the assetsDependencies property. One is the asset and another is an element.

To download only a single asset “asset/assetName” value has to be specified.

To download only an element “element/elementName” value has to be specified.

Download assets via manifest.json example:

{  "elements": {    "textTest": {      "settings": {        "name": "Text Test",        "metaThumbnailUrl": "[publicPath]/thumbnail-text-block.png",        "metaPreviewUrl": "[publicPath]/preview-text-block.jpg",        "metaDescription": "Simple (TEST) text editor for working with static text, including paragraphs, titles, bullets and even media. Simple text block is a copy of default WordPress editor."      }    }  },  "categories": {    "Misc": {      "elements": [        "textTest"      ]    }  },  "assetsDependencies": [    "asset/iconpicker",    "element/Icon"  ]}

Available shared asset list#

Library nameDescriptionElement dependant
waypointsUses waypoints library. Included in the Design Options attributeNo
animateUses animate.css library. Included in the Design Options attributeNo
iconpickerUses a set of multiple various icon sets. Typicons, Material, Font Awesome, Entypo, etc. Bundled with an Icon element.Yes
imageFilterUses CSSgram library. Bundled with image type elements like Single Image.Yes
lightboxUses lightbox library. Bundled with image type elements like Single Image.Yes
photoswipeUses photoswipe library. Bundled with image type elements like Single ImageYes
slickSliderUses Slick slider library. Bundled with elements that have a sliding option like Simple Image Slider.Yes
zoomUses jQuery zoom library. Bundled with image type elements like Single ImageYes